Wadi Yamin  

In the wintertime, the beautiful valley of Wadi Yamin becomes a raging flood and the water holes fill up with water. The water is very cold and covered with algae but don't let that put you off jumping in and having a very refreshing dip!

Limestone Rocks  

These are sedimentary limestone rocks that were laid down in a shallow sea. Many of these rocks have fossils embedded in them. Israel is actually based around sedimentary rocks, volcanic rocks in the north, sandstone in the south, granite and many other minerals.

Habonim Beach  

Habonim Beach is by the side of the great sea, otherwise known as the Mediterranean Sea - medi means middle, terra means land, the sea in the middle of the land. 2000 years ago when people believed that the world was flat they saw this sea in the middle of their land and called it the Mediterranean Sea.


Israel has a variety of different landscape along the shoreline, and even though the land is very flat and straight, we still see little coves such as this one, with a variety of shells.


The variety of sand and shells and different rock formations make this a very unique part of the coastline.

Beach Cavern  

This beach cavern was formed by the sea, wave after wave for thousands of years, eating away at the sandstone which was formed underneath the sea, and forming this beautiful cavern which you can swim in.

Carmel Forest Lilies  

The Carmel mountain is a holy mountain, dedicated to the prophet Elija, to the Druze religion, to Christians, Jews and Muslims.


There is a very interesting natural habitat here and Dani has come in search of a very specific flower - a lily, which is mentioned in the bible, the largest wild flower in Israel.


You can also see lots of caves and rock formations from the very hard limestone - cast caves, stalagmites and stalagtites, and a whole variety of animals, including a wild animal called the "Yachmur" - a deer which was served up to King Solomon.

Eucalyptus Tree  

This eucalyptus tree was brought here to Israel about 130 years ago. At the end of the 19th century, the first eucalyptus trees came to Israel from Australia. The tree loves to grow near water and is the only tree of it's type in the area. It's grown huge, with an enormous trunk and people from far and wide come to this tree to enjoy the atmosphere and be near the running stream next to it.


These beautiful little red flowers are from the pomegranate tree. The pomegranate tree is very at home in the land of Israel, and is the symbol of fertility - the pomegranate has many little seeds inside it and was used as a symbol thousands of years ago.


Pomegranates made of ceramics and other interesting materials have been found all around the country in archaeological digs.


At the end of the summer time there will be lots of juicy pomegranates on the tree.

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